What Is Manifestation And How To Attract Anything You Want?

If you have the power to create your future, what would you like to create? Everything you want can be achievable through manifestation but, do you know what manifesting is?
In simple words, manifestation is intentionally creating what you want.
Everyone can manifest anything they desire. From wealth to optimum health, love, luxury designer clothes, houses, cars, trips, peace of mind, a lifestyle, you name it.
But nobody taught us this when growing up. Instead, we learn we have to work hard to have all we want, money is hard to get and the rich get richer, while the poor get poorer.
The truth is, the power to manifest has always been within us since we were born, and we just have to learn how to use it.
If you are reading this, you have probably read, learned, or heard about manifestation in other places and perhaps it caught your attention.
Recently there has been a spike in learning about manifestation and its techniques. Pinterest showed this in its 2021 Prediction Report Manifestation techniques increased in searches by 105% while visualize your highest self grew up 55%.
Instead of looking at and reading several posts and videos about what manifestation is, I’m going to explain in full detail what manifestation actually is.

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What Is Manifestation, Exactly?
There are a lot of definitions for manifestation, but they are not related to the topic. The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes manifestation as “one of the forms that something has when it appears or occurs” or “a perceptible, outward, or visible expression”.
One of the closest definitions I could find was in the Urban Dictionary: “made it happen, made something real, wished for something and it ended up happening”. Ok, not the most reliable source, but this is actually the closest to describing what manifestation is.
To me, in the simplest terms, manifestation is about putting your intentions towards something that you want or desire. Then watching it happen in real life.
It is something you bring forth into your physical life experience through your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. And this could be an experience, an object, a person… anything you want.
Essentially, manifestation is creating your life as you would like it to be. In other words, if you think about it, it’ll come true. That’s why you might have heard that whatever you think about, you are manifesting it in your life.
If you constantly think about what you don’t want to happen, that is exactly what you will manifest. And this also applies to things you actually do want.
By learning the secrets of what manifestation is and manifesting, you can change your thoughts and your life. You can remain focused on what you want to happen. And soon, your greatest desires will manifest.
Truth Is, You Have Been Manifesting All Your Life
Perhaps you’ve noticed that you’re constantly thinking about something. Like a place you like to go, an amount of money you desired, or something you want to achieve. After a while, you realized you actually have what you were constantly thinking and don’t know how or why this came to you.
Believe it or not, you are constantly manifesting your own life experience. All this time you have created your life by yourself. Every single experience you actually manifested it.
And guess what? Everything occurring in your life right now can be directly traced back to thoughts, feelings, or beliefs you consciously or unconsciously practiced in the past.
Basically, your whole life has been, is, and will be one big manifestation.
The truth is, your mind is always thinking and manifesting something. Whether this is good or bad. We are always manifesting. Most of the time it is done subconsciously.
Everything in your life is a reflection of what is happening inside of your mind. And of the assumptions you hold within you. Whatever you focus on will take shape and manifest into your daily life.
When we become conscious of the power we have, we create our lives as we’d like them to be. This is known as conscious manifestation.
Manifestation is really about understanding what it is that you want to experience. And the only work you need to do is manage your thoughts and keep them focused on this.
That’s why it’s so important to know exactly how to use your manifesting power. Because that way, you can control every single aspect of your life and make it how you want it to be.

A Quick Guide To Manifest Easily and Effortlessly
The movie “The Secret” shows a really simple process. Ask, believe, receive. Here is the thing that bothers me with that statement. You aren’t asking for your desire. Your desire is not like a child asking for ice cream as breakfast. No one and nothing hands you your desires.
The believing part I do resonate with it and you’ll see below why. But the receiving part to me sounds like you need to wait in line to receive your manifestation.
The process of manifesting is really about what you want and assuming the reality of already having it. And this can be done through any manifestation technique or method you prefer.
Step 1: Know What You Want
The first step is you need to know exactly what you want. And your desire can be as specific and detailed as you like.
Here is an example. Suppose you want a car. You can end up manifesting a broken car when you really wanted a Porsche Cayenne. Be as specific as you like. It’s your manifestation and your desires.
Step 2: Choose A Manifestation Method
Second, you need to choose any manifestation method or technique you like. There are plenty of them. Scripting is one of the popular ones. You can also do visualizations or make a vision board. I prefer constant repetition or affirmations.
Keep in mind that the manifestation methods or techniques are not what manifest your desires. What really manifest is the thoughts and assumptions you have towards something.
Step 3: Set The Intention
Next, set the intention. An intention is just a thought that involves feelings and emotions. Think as if you already have it. How would you tell your best friend or a dear one about your manifestation?
Back to the car example. You can come with statements like “I have a new car. My new car is just as I wanted it. My new car is awesome”. Those sentences are the thoughts you need to constantly have.
Step 4: Assume You Already Have Your Desire
The fourth step is to assume your new reality. Embody the version of yourself that already has what you want. Think about this for a moment. If you already have what you desire you no longer want it. This doesn’t mean forgetting about your desire. This means you need to think from the version of you that already has it.
This is the believing part in “Ask, believe, receive” from The Secret. And this can be done by persisting in your intentions, affirmations, statements, and assumptions by consistency in the manifestation method your choose.
The more you affirm and believe as if you already have your manifestation right now, the faster those thoughts and intentions become your new assumptions. And in a blink of an eye, you’ll manifest what you wanted.

If you think about it, manifestation is really easy and it’s not about high vibration, positive energy, and all that stuff you probably have heard.
Just focus on your wishes no matter what. Keep affirming to create a new normal and natural assumption, and keep persisting.
Also, see:
+ What Is Manifesting? A Guide to Manifest Anything You Want!
+ The Best Lessons From Neville Goddard ‘At Your Command’
+ Everything You Need to Know About Affirmations and Assumptions
Pretty! This was a really wonderful post. Thank you for providing this info.