How To Use Scripting To Manifest Your Dream Life

When it comes to manifesting, there are plenty of methods all over the Internet and social media. One of them is scripting. Just type ‘scripting manifestation’ and you’ll see lots of videos, hashtags, articles, and images. From step-by-step guides, how-to’s, success stories, and information on how scripting is the best method for manifesting.
It doesn’t matter which method you prefer for manifesting. The method is not what manifests. Your assumptions are. Whatever technique or method you use, you have to think as if you already have what you want now. That’s it. It’s all you actually need to manifest. You need to make your primary and only thoughts on the thing you are manifesting.
You need to think as if you already have what you want as much as possible. This feeling needs to be consistent with your thoughts throughout the day. Techniques only help us to get to that feeling and scripting is one of them.
So, if you are the type of person who likes writing down things in your journal or even on just a piece of paper, or you are good with words and enjoy writing down your feelings and thoughts, scripting is the right tool for you to manifest your dreams.

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What Exactly Is Scripting?
Scripting is just another LOA (here LOA means Law Of Assumption) method, tool, technique, or exercise, however you wanna call it. It is used to manifest your dreams and many people love it.
Think of it as an entry from your future self diary. You write your life in great detail, the way you desire it to be, but as if you already experienced it.
It can be used to manifest ‘small’ things like designer clothes, a pair of shoes, or any item you like, to ‘bigger’ things like a house, a trip, your soulmate, success, massive amounts of money. Really anything can be manifested with scripting if you do it correctly.
As I mentioned earlier, the reason scripting works so well and many people have success with this method is because while scripting thoughts and feelings are in the ‘so-called alignment’.
When you script you enable your imagination to feel in great detail and as real as you already have or experienced the thing you want.
Who Can Script To Manifest?
Scripting is perfect for people who are new to conscious creation or masters at manifesting. Just allow your inner state to feel as if you already have what you desire and let y express yourself express all the emotions and details on pen paper (or on a tablet).
You only need to write in detail whatever it is you want to manifest. And the trick is to write it as if it already happened.
Is Scripting The Right Technique For Me?
The easiest way to find out if you are a scripter is if you enjoy writing things down in a journal or a piece of paper. See if you carry on a journal with you or if you have plenty of sticky notes. If journaling is something you do daily or many times a week, this is the right manifestation method for you.
Another way to find out if scripting is your technique is if you have trouble visualizing. Many people don’t get a clear picture visualizing and stress out. When scripting you’ll tend to be more focused and get a clear mental picture of your desires because you are writing down your emotions and thoughts in detail. And when this happens you’ll understand better the ‘feeling’ of already having it. Thereby the more often you script the better you become at manifesting.
Scripting allows you to dive deep into your desire and explore it in detail. Therefore you’ll get more clarity about what you want and your feelings about already having it.
One of the benefits of scripting is when you reread your writings. You revisit with more vividness your thoughts, feelings, and emotions as if there were an actual memory. And this creates less resistance than if you were just visualizing.

What Do I Need To Start Scripting?
This is where the fun begins. Almost all Law Of Attraction coaches will tell you things like a specific color of ink or to purchase a specific journal because it was made with high vibes or something like that. That’s not true!
There are two ways you can script to manifest. The first one is a notebook, journal, or even a sheet of paper, and a pen. Any kind of sheet, journal, or notebook is fine. And this also goes for the pen. You don’t need to script in blue ink or in a special color. I’ve even read that you can’t script with black ink because it will attract bad things or the opposite! (Seriously? Come on!)
Now, if you want to buy a certain journal or pen because it makes you feel good go ahead and buy it. Remember, is not the paper, the pen, or the journal itself that manifests. It’s only your assumptions of the thing that actually manifests.
The second way is to script in your digital journal or notebook or notetaking app. Yes, it is actually possible! Again, many coaches will tell you that writing is the most effective technique. Science says that you are most likely to achieve your goals when you write them down. It’s true. But that doesn’t mean it’s the only way to achieve them.
Some people don’t like to write, myself included. I don’t like to carry a journal and a pen and take it out every time I want to write something. Besides, my hands get tired after a couple of minutes. I prefer to get my phone or tablet, open my notes app and type anything. I know it will be there on any device I use because they are all synchronized.
Remember that what manifests is your assumptions of the thing you want to manifest. Assumptions are thoughts. Thoughts create feelings and emotions. And those have a great role when manifesting.
Now, you can do digital scripting in two ways. One is opening an app like Notability or GoodNotes where you can actually grab your stylus and script like you would on a physical journal.
The second one is opening your favorite journal or notetaking app and type. You can even change fonts to match your handwriting or the color. This is not necessary but is a cool way to make it more personal.
Remember that the goal of any LOA technique is to impress the subconscious mind. So if typing on your laptop or writing with a stylus helps you achieve that, by any means do that!
Don’t let other people tell you you only need to write by hand in a special journal to manifest. Do whatever is natural to you. Do what you feel comfortable with.
The Process Of Scripting Manifesting
Now let’s get into the process of scripting. It’s actually easier than you think. Grab your pen and journal, notebook and paper ready, or your tablet and stylus, and let’s start.
Scripting can be done in different ways. There is no right way to do it. The only rule you need to follow is to write as if you already have or experience what you want.
Another thing you need to keep in mind is the wording you use. You need to write like you naturally speak. If you swear or curse while speaking that’s ok. If you speak two languages and mix up words, it’s also okay to combine words or the languages you like and speak. It’s your life, your story, so you better script like that.
The process is really simple. First, you need to be crystal clear on what you want. Then, imagine how you would feel if you already had it. What emotions would you experience? How would you tell your best friend about it?
After that, the scripting begins. There are multiple ways of scripting. You can write a letter from your future self to your present self. Another way is to script like a diary entry in which you tell all about your day with tones of your manifestation. Or simply an entirely diary entry focused on your manifestation. And if writing is really your thing you can be very detailed and script like 5, 10, or even 20 pages for a single thing.
A fun way to script is to do it in a crafty style where you doodle, draw or put pictures on your writing. There are multiple ways to do it and they all serve the same purpose, which is to impress the subconscious mind in order to create thoughts, feelings, and emotions as if you already have your desire.
You can even create lists of commands. There are also methods like the 55×5, the 3 6 9, 33×3. You actually don’t need to write the same thing over and over again. It can bore you and will defeat the purpose. Instead, you can write the same thing with different scenes.
For example, if you are manifesting a house you can write about the smell of your brand new home. Another day you could describe every room in there and how you feel in all of them before moving to it. Then it could be about the moving and how exhausted but happy you were. They all imply the same thing.
No matter which is your preferred method, you just need to write it as you naturally talk. And if it is already yours. Just remember that scripting is like a memory you already have. Write with emotion. Make descriptions that make you feel immersed in the story you’re writing.
Focus on the details and feelings you would have if what you’re writing had actually happened. Feel all the feelings and emotions that you would be feeling if you actually had that. Describe it as you would tell it to your best friend.

How Often Do I Need To Script?
This is also a question most of you have. You fear that if you don’t script for 50 days in a row your manifestation won’t come. And that’s simply not true.
The best times to do it are in the morning right after your wake up and at night before going to sleep. This is because in the morning you can impress easier your subconscious mind with any message you like. And at night, you are in what is called State Akin To Sleep (aka SATS), and your subconscious can easily receive any assumption you like without resistance.
But in fact, we are in SATS multiple times a day. When you feel like taking a nap or when you meditate. These are just examples of times you can script too.
Do it intuitively. Perhaps there will be days where you don’t feel like scripting and that’s ok. On those days you just read what you wrote previously and feel those emotions as you read.
If you are new to manifesting and scripting, experiment with different lengths. This will allow you to see which method and how often you feel comfortable scripting.
I hope you try scripting after reading this. If you find you don’t feel those emotions don’t worry. There are other methods for manifesting.
Let me know in the comments below if you have any doubts about scripting. I’ll be happy to answer them.
If you have tried scripting, share your success stories! What did you do? How did you script? I’ll love to read your scripting manifestations.
Also, see:
+ ‘At Your Command’, The Best Lessons From Neville Goddard
+ How Manifestation Changed My Life
+ Everything You Need to Know About Affirmations and Assumptions
I’m very new at scripting, actually so new I am literally sitting with Journal open and blank. That’s when I found you after 30 minutes of reading other post. You gave the best advice on this subject IMO. So I am leaving this comment to say Thank you and I will come back later and give an update.
I read this last night after feeling so confused about scripting with the law of assumption because I haven’t found anyone who describes it simply or describes it in the law of attraction way. I have scripted before but it felt so robotic and unnatural that it wasn’t something I wanted to do (and I enjoy writing). This is because of what I previously learnt about scripting. Whilst doing it, I felt stupid because the words didn’t feel like me or like that would actually have happened irl- none of it felt natural or like me at all. After reading this last night, I gave it a go whilst in SATS and wrote it so it in the way I would write it if it actually happened and oh my god… I ACTUALLY felt like it had happened. Like I actually felt a feeling in my core that was making me feel how I would feel if it actually happened. It felt natural, and I felt as though I was able to expand on it more because I allowed myself to write it the way I would. Before, I felt as though there were rules to scripting and it had to be very firm and written in an almost professional way, but thanks to you, I now know there are no rules and I can write whatever I want, however I want. I swore, I used abbreviations- my language on a day to day basis, and it felt good, real and almost comforting and reassuring. Thank you so much. This has helped me beyond belief.