Manifest Anything You Want With This Quick & Basic Manifestation Guide

Have you ever thought about someone and all of a sudden they contact you or run across them? Or maybe you thought about your favorite dish and an hour after, a day after, a week, or a month after you get to eat it?
Maybe you are wondering how you did it. You can think all of that was just a coincidence. Or you were on your lucky day, But the reality is you manifested that.
And did you know you have been manifesting all your life? Most of us manifest at a subconscious level. But from now on you can be a conscious manifestor.
Perhaps you already know about the Law of Attraction and The Secret. So you think you attracted all those things because you were a vibrational match to them. But let me tell you that’s not completely true.
There are some key guidelines to manifest. And this guide is meant to provide you with the basis of manifestation.

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Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
To get a new reality you need new assumptions. The way to do that is by affirming because your thoughts are what create your assumptions.
Whatever you’re constantly thinking of is what manifests or holds in place in your reality.
Think about this for a moment. How many times have you worried about something? And even if you thought about it for a second it ended up showing up.
Maybe you thought about debt and by the end of the month, you didn’t have enough to pay the bills. Or perhaps you thought you knew all the answers for an important test and you actually had a good grade even though you didn’t study.
Whatever you tend to focus on constantly keeps happening over and over again. That’s why whatever you tend to worry about constantly ends up happening.
It’s a cycle because once it happens you continue to experience it. You assume it as your reality and that is going to happen again and again unless you change that assumption.

Assumptions Are The Key To Manifest
Everything you experienced until now is a product of your assumptions. The definition of assumption is a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen without proof.
An assumption is a thought you held long enough and eventually externalized in your reality. I like to call them a system of beliefs we held in ourselves.
Yes, I’m telling you all the cool, fun, and awesome things you lived are because of your assumptions. And also the bad and not-so-cool stuff. (Don’t give me that look).
You have to realize you are the only one who creates your entire reality. And it’s because of the assumptions you have about yourself, people, things, circumstances, and your life.
What you experienced is based on your assumptions.
I’m going to say that again. Your assumptions make up your reality. And when we don’t like something or want something different we need to change them.
When your assumptions change, the reality will also change. So when you change your assumptions about something, the people and everything in your reality need to conform to bring it to you.
Now that you know assumptions are the key to manifesting anything you want, assume the reality as if you already have what you want.
Be clear on your desires and assume you already have them. Create the assumptions and feelings that you already have what you want. That’s all you need to actually manifest.
Keep With Your Inner Conversations AKA Mental Diet
I hope by now it’s crystal clear that your assumptions are what manifest and that is you and only you who creates everything in your reality.
It is said that you have around 60,000 thoughts per day. The majority of them are yesterday’s thoughts, and most of them are subconscious.
In order to change your old beliefs, you need to keep up with your mental diet. A mental diet is simply concentrating on what you think of throughout the day. Your thoughts need to be aligned with what you want to manifest.
To be on a mental diet means you are always on top of your thoughts. You never allow a negative thought to interfere. Therefore you need to be on a strict mental diet to replace your opposing beliefs or anything that’s causing things you don’t enjoy in your life.
To do that you need to pay attention to what is going on in your mind. Because whatever is going up in there is what’s going on in your reality.
If you want something different, you have to change what is going on in your mind. This is because the thing you are thinking the most is already an assumption embedded deeply in yourself. It’s through constant repetition we change to a new assumption.
Your mind doesn’t know if something is happening right now or if you are imagining it. Pay close attention to your minute-to-minute, second-to-second thoughts.

Repetition And Persistence Are The Way To Manifest Your New Reality
Remember how in school teachers made you repeat a sentence over and over again until you learned it? This is how we overwrite previous beliefs and create new assumptions.
Script, visualize, or affirm on a loop. The repetition is what saturates and impresses in your subconscious mind, gets it accepted and gets it externalized.
Just get in the state of already having your desire as you affirm. Feel the naturalness as your desire is already yours. Persist on that feeling and assume the reality. Keep affirming until you feel it natural.
Coming Up With Your Own Naturalness
Think about this for a moment. How and what would you say to your best friend if you already have manifestation? Those exact words are how you naturally speak, imagine and think. And you need to use them in your preferred manifestation method or technique.
The biggest key to manifesting anything fast and effortlessly is to be natural about them. The whole point of manifestation techniques is to help you be natural in your manifestation process.
It doesn’t matter how I word my affirmations or visualize my imaginary scene. Create your own ones and you’ll manifest faster than before.

Manifestation doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s really a simple process. I hope this guide on how to manifest helps you.
Also, see:
+ What Is Manifesting? A Guide to Manifest Anything You Want!
+ The Best Lessons From Neville Goddard ‘At Your Command’
+ Everything You Need to Know About Affirmations and Assumptions