Everything You Need to Know About Affirmations and Afformations

When it comes to manifesting, affirmations are the way to go. Why? Because you are reinforcing what you want and eventually it shows up in your reality.
It’s really easy to say what affirmations are but somehow they have become more complex.
Affirmations are thoughts, statements, or questions that you choose to think about whether you read them, you speak them aloud, you write them, or think about them.
Almost everyone who is manifesting something has the need to know what affirmations other people with the same wish are saying because they want to add them to their list and end up with 300 affirmations they tend to say mindlessly.
You have to understand it’s not about the number of affirmations you say what manifest. It’s the whole process behind affirmations that make your dreams come true in your reality, also known as 3D.
For this to be clear, I’ve broken off the concept of affirmations for you to manifest your desires easier and effortlessly.

What Affirmations Are
To be a conscious creator means to pay attention to what you are thinking throughout the day when it comes to the subject you are trying to manifest.
First and foremost you need to believe your thoughts create and when you persist in them, it will eventually manifest in the outer world, the 3D.
The Cambridge dictionary defines affirmations as: “a statement or sign that something is true”. Another one I find appealing to manifesting is: “emotional support or encouragement”.
In simple terms, affirmations are just statements we said repeatedly whether they are favorable or negative ones.
The thing is, affirmations are embedded in our subconscious mind. And if you don’t know, the subconscious is the source of manifestation. It’s where it all comes to pass. But this is for a whole other post.
In short, when a new affirmation is rooted in the subconscious it manifests. That’s why you have to be intentional with them. You have to carefully choose what to affirm throughout the day and I’ll explain how over the next paragraphs.
But first, did you know you can also affirm in question form? Affirmations don’t always have to be a sentence implying your wish, they can be questions.
What Asking Affirmations Are
Asking affirmations are also known as afformations on the Law of Assumption community.
When you ask a question like “why am I so successful?” you are still affirming a statement because what you are doing is asking your mind a question and by doing so, it will naturally answer it for you.
For example, with the afformation “why am I so successful?”, your mind will probably come with answers like: “because I am amazing at what I do”, “because I am the best at this”, “because I’m so talented and creative”, “because everyone loves what I do”. And these are all affirmations pinpointing to what you desire.
These are all answers to that question you affirm earlier and you are already affirming the answers to it. It’s not like you don’t have an answer to a question you don’t know and keep a blank space.
Sometimes, if you have had a negative outcome and you want to shift it, what will happen is your ego will show up and try to stop you.
Perhaps, after making an afformation, the answers will be negative ones but don’t listen to them because that’s your old story and should never ever tell the old story now that you are reprogramming your mind with the outcome you desire.
What you need to do instead when the answers are negative, is simply say your new affirmations.
Example Of An Afformation
Imagine your relationships have sucked but now you want a new relationship. Since you are the creator of your reality, you now realize you need to affirm from the end which is having your dream relationship.
Now, you came up with an afformation that is: why am I so loved? Right then, your ego will come up and say “no, your relationships have sucked, everyone has cheated on you” and will go on and on with what you have experienced so far.
What you need to do instead is stay on top of your ego and affirm “because I am gorgeous”, “because I am attractive”, “because I’m a great girlfriend”, “because I’m the best woman he has ever met”, “because I’m magnetic”. You get the idea.
You need to come up with statements that describe the version of yourself you want to be. It’s okay to do these because what matters is you thinking from the end you want.

Affirmations or Afformations, Which One Is Better?
It’s simple. The short answer is both are great. You can only say your “I am” statements or afformations. You can also mix them up.
Neither way is better than the other. And the key here is to do what feels more natural and better for you. You can read about what it means to feel natural here.
You have to understand that this is not about what is better to manifest. Manifestation is simple because your only job is to affirm, to stay on top of your thoughts, and to have a good mental diet.
All three are achievable by creating the story and the outcome you want in your mind through affirmations or afformations.
Do what you are comfortable with.
How To Come Up With Your Own Affirmations or Afformations
The only two criteria affirmations and afformations need are to feel natural to you and to be short.
Perhaps you are wondering, what does it mean to feel natural? The naturalness which I refer to is in fact part of Neville Goddard’s teachings.
Be Natural About Them
To keep it short, think about something you have right now that has been consistent for a long time now. Perhaps you have been in a relationship with your partner for 5 years and all have been great. Maybe you have $100,000.00 in your bank account for 6 consecutive months. Do you feel excited all the time about it? The answer is no because you already know you have those things so they become part of you and by that, they feel natural every time you think about them.
It’s not that you need to be happy, joyous, exciting, grateful, kind, and whatever crazy feelings all the time. Those joyous feelings are expected only in the first time of affirming when you are manifesting something new and need to overwrite the previous assumptions. But after a while, you will find that those emotions will dissipate.
This is actually a good thing because this means it’s now becoming natural to you. Remember, when you get something you want it feels really good the first few times you think about it but eventually you want something else and those things don’t continue to give you that exciting feeling because it’s now natural to you.
Keep Them Short
The second criteria is they need to be short, like a command, and here also comes the natural feeling I talk about.
Imagine that even though you and I want to have a new car, you and I will come up with different statements implying the same thing. That’s why when you want to know what affirmations other people are using to manifest the same thing.
Think about the way you normally talk to your best friend. This is the best example for coming up with your affirmations. What would you say to your best friend if you have the thing you desire right now?
Perhaps you can say “That (model) car is mine”, “I have my dream car now”, “My new car is exactly how I imagine it”. See how all these 3 statements imply the same thing but they are worded in different ways? This is also what is called natural, the way you normally express yourself with others.
That’s also why searching for affirmations is a good idea to come up with your affirmations and afformations, but unless you actually speak like that, try to word them closely to how you talk.
Make A List and Flip Them
A great way to come up with affirmations and afformations is listing whatever it is you think is your so-called block. Don’t worry about writing them on paper or your notes app. This is just an exercise for getting clarity. After you finish with your list, flip those statements for what you want.
For example, let’s go with money. you “block” maybe: I don’t have enough money, I can’t buy what I want, Everything is so expensive. What you do instead is you change them for the opposite ones implying what you want: “I always have more than enough money”; “I have tons of money”, “why am I so rich?”, “I can buy whatever it is I want without worrying about the price”, “I always get the best deals in everything I buy”, “why do I afford expensive things?”
See how from three negative statements I came up with six positive ones? And the best of it is I could manage to throw affirmations and affirmations.
Try these exercises to come up with your own affirmations. Remember, it’s okay to search for some inspiration but what matters is how natural they feel to you and you alone.
How Often And When To Say Affirmations or Afformations
Ideally, you need to say them constantly throughout the day. There is no magic number of repetitions you need to be affirming nor a specific time, although I recommend saying them as soon as you wake up and while you are falling asleep.
The reason is that your mind is in a state where it can digest better the information and it can go to your subconscious mind more directly.
But don’t stop there. If you ever catch yourself repeating the old negative affirmations in your mind, right there you need to affirm your new statements over and over until you have quite the negative ones.
You can also affirm when doing things that don’t require attention like when you are in the shower, brushing your teeth, doing your skincare routine, doing the laundry, or any house chores, while cooking or exercising.
Remember the more constantly you affirm, the faster you can overcome those negative thoughts and the quicker your manifestations appear in your reality.
As for how to affirm, remember they need to be just like the way you speak. Imagine your exact voice tone in your mind as if you were telling your affirmations to your best friend. You can also say them as a command, like if you already know that thing you wish is already yours.

Get excited about your new outcome. Don’t be stressed out by the time frame. Just keep in mind your new reality has to unfold.
Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of what affirmations are and how they create your reality. Start affirming your new story. Begin just after you finish reading this post and start creating your new reality.
P.S. Remember I offer email coaching in case you need extra help to manifest your dream life.
Also, see:
+ What Is Manifesting? A Guide to Manifest Anything You Want!
+ The Best Lessons From Neville Goddard ‘At Your Command’
+ Everything You Need to Know About Affirmations and Assumptions