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  1. Osvaldo Marchan says:

    Thank you for the introduction,i would like to know why you call consciousness and subconscious mind in the same term , being that both aren completely different facets of the mind

  2. Gorgeous material! Argell, all your words in this post were insightful, vut the most helpful was #3. My gosh, I have a good scope of Neville’s teachings but no one has described it as eloquently as you. Neville’s way works.. however his language can be soo tricky to decipher. I’m only in my 20s and his use of language can be very outdated. However, I’ve had true success with it.. without even knowing I was doing it!! But unsure what to do whenever I wanted to replicate it again.

    So I’m super thankful for this dialogue I can truly digest. I am over the moon and on the lookout for when you cover his ‘feeling is the secret’ book. Thanks a million

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